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Sweet Potato Spice Waffles and Pancakes

gluten free

Sweet Potato Spice Waffles and Pancakes

Fall - a time for light sweaters, boots, leaves, apples, and everything pumpkin spiced. Am I right? I love this time of year because the fall has brought so many beautiful moments in to my life. 6 years ago, Mark proposed to meContinue Reading >

Nourished Beginnings Baby Food - Nutrient Dense Recipes for Infants, Toddlers, and Beyond - Book Review

Nourished Beginnings Baby Food - Nutrient Dense Recipes for Infants, Toddlers, and Beyond - Book Review

I thank God that we embraced the Whole30/Paleo lifestyle a year or so before I got pregnant with Isabelle, because it became the foundation for how we decided to feed our daughter. After we knew what our bodies were meant to thrive on,Continue Reading >

Sweet Potato, Carrot, and Apple Soup

bone broth

Sweet Potato, Carrot, and Apple Soup

Soup. We love soup around here. It's such an easy way to boost up the nutrition in your daily diet and sneak in lots of wholesome veggies and nourishing bone broth into the little ones. I've been making some variation of this SweetContinue Reading >

Strawberry Coconut Milk Yogurt & Kefir-Like Drink!

instant pot

Strawberry Coconut Milk Yogurt & Kefir-Like Drink!

I recently purchased the coveted Instant Pot and while I was super excited to see how quickly I could make a ton of food in the 7 function in 1 kitchen appliance, I was most excited about using the yogurt function! Since learning ofContinue Reading >

Gluten Free Baked Chicken Nuggets

eat real food

Gluten Free Baked Chicken Nuggets

Now that Isabelle is in preschool full-time, I have to be more and more creative with packing her snacks and lunch. A few weeks ago, I found some organic ground chicken and thought I would give making chicken nuggets a try! I wantedContinue Reading >

Homemade Italian Sausage with Peppers, Onions, and Spinach

eat real food

Homemade Italian Sausage with Peppers, Onions, and Spinach

I am always looking for new ways to make a quick meal that is both nutritious and delicious. This Italian Sausage recipe with peppers, onions, and spinach is not only both, but also super easy to pull together any day of the week. Continue Reading >

Prayer: For Those Struggling With Body Image

Earlier this week, I was rereading my "Give Me Jesus" journal and was touched by my own words that I had written to God in the previous week. It was like I was reading someone else's words as I could barely remember writingContinue Reading >

Light & Crispy Yuca Fries Recipe


Light & Crispy Yuca Fries Recipe

You want to make these yuca fries. Like now. Fresh yuca (not to be confused with yucca) can be a bit intimidating at first, but this life is all about conquering fears and stepping into the unknown. So, let's get started. You canContinue Reading >

Asian Inspired Sautéed Kale and Red Cabbage Recipe


Asian Inspired Sautéed Kale and Red Cabbage Recipe

I love sautéed greens and cabbage, which I would have never known until I started eating more vegetables and greens when we started living this Whole30/Paleo lifestyle.  If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, you've seen a ton of variations of myContinue Reading >